Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Shown Beautiful But Still Saving is the desire of all women

Shown Beautiful But Still Saving is the desire of all women
Shown Beautiful But Still Saving is the desire of all women. and now we offer tips to Appear Beautiful But Still Save. Please study it carefully Shown Beautiful But Still save, so you can understand very well to Appear Beautiful But Still Save.

Want to look beautiful is not always expensive. One of them by choosing the right cosmetics.
Pretty frugal tips:
Storing and using cosmetics, make-up Clean equipment, Cosmetic multifunctional, the right color choices, use the sample products, Compare prices of cosmetics, treatments alone

To look beautiful, sometimes you have to spend money. To buy cosmetic products for skin care, hair or makeup. The cost involved is not small considering the price of an expensive cosmetic products. Actually you can save on your expenses for this field. How not to spend lots of money but can still look beautiful?

Storing and use of cosmetic products properly

Cosmetic products do have expiry age cosmetics. But, if you're not really in the store, the cosmetic damage that could be characterized by discolored or smelly, but it should not yet expired.

Therefore, cosmetics must be stored and used properly. Some things to note in this regard include:

Close tightly after use and the packaging in a cool place. Packaging that is open, although only a few can make the incoming air and bacteria in it multiply and cause cosmetic damage.
Use tools such as brush or sponge while using your cosmetics.
Clean your face and make sure it is dry when going to apply makeup. Water or perspiration can lead to mildew if you stick to cosmetic products.
Make sure hands are clean and dry when it should touch the cosmetic product.

Clean equipment make up

Make-up equipment commonly used as a brush or sponge should be cleaned regularly so as not to be a hotbed of bacteria that can switch on your cosmetic products on the skin or causing problems.

To clean a brush, you can use warm water and baby shampoo. The trick is to wet the brush and tap-tap the brush with the palm of the hand that had previously been given a bit of baby shampoo. After that, rinse with warm water and pat dry with paper towels or a towel and allow to dry naturally. Another way is to soak the brush in a glass of warm water and stir the water in a glass with a brush before the brush to dissolve dirt.

For the sponge, wash by immersion in warm water for 5-10 minutes. Squeeze to dry. Do it repeatedly until the dirt on the sponge is missing. Then dry sponge with aerated.

 Use multifunctional cosmetic products

Cosmetic products have not been exhausted, but sometimes you get bored with the color or feel it's not a trend anymore. One solution is to buy a multifunctional cosmetic products. For example, at the same time blush lipstick, eyeliner and mascara, eyeshadow and shimmer. In addition to saving as only need to buy a product, cosmetics will also be out faster because it is often used.

 Choose basic colors

For decorative cosmetics such as lipstick, eyeshadow or blush on, choose basic colors like brown, gold or red brick. These colors tend to be always used and is not affected by the trend. If you want to get bored with these colors, try to blend the colors that exist in order to get a new color.

 Try a product sample

Want to try the colors of the trend? Try first to buy the product samples are usually small. Colors are usually short-lived trend.

You should also buy product samples in advance if you want to try new products. A product may not be suitable in your skin. By trying product samples, you will not feel hurt when the product was not compatible with your skin.

 Not having to use expensive cosmetics

In order to get the most out of makeup, does not mean having to use expensive cosmetics. The high price of a cosmetic product is usually because the product is imported, the cost of research to produce a product, or the presence of additional ingredients such as fragrances or softeners. So, do not mean that cheap products are not good. For example, for clinical trials using products imported from the country of origin of respondents who do not necessarily have the same skin type with users from Indonesia.

You can also check the content in cosmetic products. Sometimes the content is almost the same but it is much different. Observant in this regard can save on your expenses.

 Perform self-care at home

Cream bath, scrubs, or a mask is a treatment that can be done alone at home. So it need not always be done in the salon. By buying products that are available on the market can save on your expenses for the salon.

Can also perform these activities on the weekends with friends or family. You can take turns doing this, you are massaged with a gulp, after berarit now your turn to cleaning face. In addition to save money, your relationship will grow closer and be able to do fun activities together.

One important thing if you want pretty frugal is not easily tempted by the lure of beauty or the waitress at the counter of the affected advertisement. Careful and take care of your cosmetic bag can keep you that are not easily drained but still look beautiful.

Shown Beautiful But Still Saving is the desire of all women

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